Local informed sources in the West Bank city of
Bethlehem reported that the Israeli troops and special units’ officers
wearing civilian outfits backed with at least ten military vehicles
invaded Al-Azzeh refugee camp in the city in the early hours of
Thursday morning.

Troops surrounded the camp from all sides, fired in the air and shot several flares and concussion grenades.

Army units raided the three houses in the camp and arrested Laith
Al-Azzeh 41, Ismael Al-Qeisi 31, and Mohannad Othman 28 and took them
to an unknown destination towards Rachel Tomb.

An Israeli military spokesperson said, this was an targeted to arrest
the three Palestinians claimed wanted three years ago.  The
spokesperson said the three are members of the Palestinian Front for
the Liberation of Palestine, (PFLP).

The Local coordination body of the Palestinian factions condemned the
invasion and said in a statement published on Thursday, ‘this is
another violation of the calm declared by the Palestinian factions,’
and held Israel responsible in case the calm is called off.

‘Israel is not interested in calm. This invasion, Nablus assassination,
incidents in Hebron and Tulkarem are clears evidence on this.’ The
statement said.

The statement demanded the Quartet to intervene to save the calm and to
put an end to the Israeli aggression and force Israel to commit to