Many things need to be reformed in the United Nations, said U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

‘The United Nations can not continue to be a vital power if it does not
reform itself’ Rice told reporters in Washington on Friday.

She added that appointing John Bolton as the U.S. Ambassador to the UN,
known of his high criticism to the UN, will help reform and repair this
world organization.

Rice’s comments came following the information revealed about a
corruption scandal in the food-for-oil program in Iraq, in addition to
accusation of sexual harassment by the UN peace keeping forces in

On his part, Secretary General of the UN Kufi Anan admitted the need
for reforms in its departments and suggested several measures to be

Speaking to a group of Washington newspapers editors Rice said, ‘It is
an important organization, however there are some unpleasant things
happening.’  She added, ‘Every body knows that, and we have to
repair it.’

Rice claimed that Bolton pledged to enhance the organizations
capacity.  Bolton has previously said, the United Nations needs
the support of the United States to get it back on track.  It must
focus on fighting Human Rights violations and fighting international