The Israeli Minister of Finance, Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday
against allowing Egypt to deploy more troops on its Borders with the
Gaza Strip by the Philadelphi route.

‘Bringing Egyptian troops to the Israeli-Egyptian borders is a very bad
idea’, Netanyahu said and added that the Camp David agreement signed
with Egypt in 1979 ‘must not be modified’

The Camp David agreement limits Egypt’s military presence on its borders with the Gaza Strip in numbers and weaponry.

Netanyahu added that having Egyptian army on the borders will mean tha
they will have to either ‘kill or be killed for our sake’.

Following the bombings in Egyptian hotels last October, Egypt asked
Israel to deploy more troops to the borders with the Gaza Strip, to
have more control over the borders.

Netanyahu also remarked that it is very important that the Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ‘denies reports’ on a second
disengagement.  He said, pulling out unilaterally is not a good
idea.  Israeli pulled out unilaterally from Lebanon and will also
pullout from Gaza Strip because of attacks against Israel.  This
means that there will be other pullouts in the future.