Tuesday evening, Israeli soldiers annexed dozens of Dunams in Beit Sorik and Al-Jab’a, north west of Jerusalem, in order to erect a new section of the Separation Wall in the area.

Khaled al-Azza, director of the land defense committee at the ministry of local government, said that the Israeli authorities annexed 80 Dunams which belong to Mohammad Abu Loja, Ahmad Ibrahim Abu Loja, Mousa Hamdan Masha’la, Hasan Mohammad Abu Loja, and Issa Mohammad Salem.

Also, al-Azza added that that Israeli authorities intend to annex 182 Dunams in Khirbit Jabal and Wa’rit Beit Rabat in Beit Sorik west of Jerusalem in order to construct new sections of the Separation Wall.

al-Azza appealed the residents to continue their legitimate struggle against the Israeli policy “of land theft in broad daylight”, and charged that Israel is trying to empty the Palestinian land from its legitimate owners, disregarding all international laws and regulations.

Over the last month, Israel annexed thousand of Dunams used for agriculture, in addition to destroying a number of wells.

Sa’id Yaqeen, member of the committee, reported that the presence of the residents in that area became threatened by the wall, “especially after Israel took their lands and water resources, in addition to destroying the streets and infrastructure”.

Also, Yaqeen stated that soldiers handed dozens of residents in Beit Ijza and Beit Doqqu, military orders informing them that the army intends to widen the main street between Al-Teera and Beit Doqqu, which means grabbing more of their lands.

“Its all part of the Separation Wall, they will keep annexing the lands, in order to include it inside the wall area and separate the residents from their own lands”, Yaqeen said.ÂÂ