{mosimage}Israel has bought 300 dunams of land near the southern Israel town of Nitsan to build 450 housing units designated to house Niveh Dikalim settlers after the evacuation of the Gaza Strip settlements.

The state paid Friday NIS 31.5 million to a group of private investors, who own the land. Disengagement authority source said the deal will be officially signed on Sunday.  

Settlers of Niveh Dikalim have approached the government requesting to move together to Nitsanim area.

While the same settlers are joining protests against the disengagement plan, the government has been working to turn the Nitsanim proposal into a feasible option, even before arriving at a final agreement with the settlers.      

According to the disengagement authority, which administrates the relocation of settlers, the Nitsanim plan would not be possible unless the state buys the land, adding that in case settlers rejects the deal, the state would resell the land.ÂÂ