Speaking at the opening of the weekly cabinet meeting, Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei stressed on Tuesday that his government is making 100 per cent efforts to maintain law and order with the support of the various Palestinian factions, Palestinian sources reported.

The cabinet discussed several important issues, starting with the civil service law approved recently, Qurei said.

Qurei also said that Israel continues to violate agreements and pointed out Israel’s declaration of the plan to construct the wall in the Hebron area as an example of the violations.

‘This is totally unacceptable on our side; they are unilaterally drawing borders and this, according to the International Court of Justice, is illegal and unlawful,’ said Qurei, affirming that the Palestinian Authority will do its best to protect the Palestinian land and people, warning against the threats that come with the construction of the wall in the Hebron area.

Qurei also called on the Quartet committee for peace in the Middle East to force Israel to stop building the wall and to freeze settlements’ expansion, including the expansion of an Israeli college in the settlement of Ariel in the northern West Bank.

‘We call on the Quartet, to stop all these violations Israel is committing, under the justification of withdrawing from the Gaza Strip,’ Qurei said and added that the Israeli government’s acts do not support peace efforts.