The United Stated blacklisted on Wednesday a charitable organization which it described a ‘front of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’, which said that it ‘needed a safe channel to transfer donations to Palestinians in need.

U.S. Treasury Undersecretary for Enforcement Stuart Levey said on Wednesday that the US government designated al-Ehsan society, and all of its branches, as the front which finances and supports the Islamic Jihad.

“al-Ehsan society is hiding behind charitable work, while in fact it is financing the Islamic Jihad in Palestine, against Israel”, Levey said.

This is the 400th designation by the US Treasury since the September 11 attacks.

Also, Levey added that since the blacklisting of such societies will also cause ‘unwanted effects’ by cutting the support which is provided to families in need, the US should start to create what is called ‘a safe channel’ pf assistance.

“Creating a social safety net in the Palestinian occupied territories is very important for the prospects of peace and stability in the region”, Levey added.

Also, Levey added that he discussed the idea of ‘safe channels’ with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in addition to several Israeli and Palestinians officials.