The son of Itamar settlement security coordinator, who was killed on Friday’s shooting incident, lashed out at Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for planning to allow Palestinian police to carry weapons.

Shlomo Miller, 50, the security coordinator of the northern West Bank settlement of Itamar, died Friday in Beilinson Hospital after sustaining serious injuries in the Friday shooting attack near Itamar.

The attack was carried by Yusuf Hanani, 25, who was later killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli soldiers.

Hanani, a resident of the village of Beit Fourik, and a member of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of the Fatah movement, served as a PA security officer.

‘How dare you sit with these murderers and give them guns? Look what they are doing with these guns. They killed my father. We have remained a family with seven children and no father.’ Said Eliyahu, Shlomo’s 17 years-old son.

Later Friday, Israel troops demolished Hanani’s home, in Beit Furik.

The Brigades declared Friday responsibility for the attack, saying that it was carried out in retaliation to army’s targeted killings policy that took the lives of many resistance activists.