‘Governmental corruption is the greatest threat Israel faces today,’ State Comptroller Eliezer Goldberg said Sunday.

Goldberg unveiled the State Comptroller’s 55th Annual Report in a presentation to Knesset Speaker MK Reuven Rivlin.

The report singles out Michael Eitan, a close aide to Israeli Agriculture Minister Yisrael Katz, for having appointed members of the Likud Central Committee to senior government positions.

This phenomenon will lead to the destruction of public administration,’ Goldberg said.

‘I am extremely worried by the attempts to politicize the civil service.’ He added.

Goldberg also said he had complaints to Israeli Attorney General Menachem Mazuz against several senior public figures mentioned in his report.

When the State Comptroller’s report severely criticizes someone, he has to step down. If he doesn’t, he should be shown the door.’ Goldberg said.ÂÂ