Palestinian Foreign Minister Dr. Nasser Al-Kidwa stated on Monday that the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is going to meet with Presidents of some Latin American countries in Brazil.

Arriving from the Moroccan capitol Al-Rabat, Abbas will participate in the First Arab-Latin conference in Brazil starting Wednesday.  The Palestinian Authority regards this conference as an important one.

‘President Abbas will participate in this conference, for its importance, especially that this constitutes a unique meeting between Latin American and Arab countries, in which we will present the Palestinian vision of the peace process, and discuss ways to push it forward, and seek international support for the Palestinians,’ Al-Kidwa said.

Al-Kidwa added in a press release by the Foreign Ministry, ‘The Brazil Summit, will establish strong ties between the Palestinian Authority and Catholic countries.  We hope this gathering will be at its responsibilities towards achieving Palestinian rights and to help put an end to the Israeli aggression against the Palestinians.’

There are around 350 thousand Palestinians living in Latin America, which is considered to be the largest Palestinian community in Diaspora.

Abbas will visit Japan and China afterwards, in an attempt to win some political and economic support.