More than 2700 South Korean arrived in Bethlehem Monday and rallied in the streets of Bethlehem in support and solidarity with the Palestinian cause and their struggle under against the occupation.

The protestors carrying, Palestinian and Korean flags, marched from Jerusalem and headed towards Bethlehem, and chanted slogans for peace and in support to the Palestinians in their struggle against the occupation.

The final destination of the march was at the Manger Square in Bethlehem where they were joined by hundreds of Palestinians and several officials in the city including Mitri Adu Aita, Minister of Tourism in the P.A. and mayors of Bethlehem , Beit Sahour and Beit Jala, in addition to several representatives of Palestinian factions.

Abu Aita added that such protests of solidarity are a great help to the Palestinians and their leadership, which urges them to hold on to their commitments for real and just peace.

Abu Aita urged the participants to tell their people in their country about the situation in Palestine and deliver the true image of what is going on in the occupied territories.

Mr. Hanna Nasser, Mayor of Bethlehem welcomes the participants who came to support the Palestinians describing this day as a “Historic Day” of solidarity, which will be remembered forever, according to Nasser .

Nasser, also stressed the fact that living in peace is based on dignity and freedom, and that if the Israeli government continues its policy of land expropriation and construction the Separation Wall, in addition to continuous invasions again the Palestinian areas, talking about peace will then by a sort of illusion.

A Korean participant said that this procession is to support the Palestinians and urge them to continue their efforts for peace amidst the continue military escalation.

“We came here from far away, to carry a message of peace and hope, we came to Jerusalem , the city pf peace, the city of the three faiths, we came to celebrate peace in the city which should be the role model of peace instead of war”, the participant said.

This wide activity is part of the Palestinian-Korean Friendship activities launched August 5 th , 2004.