Thousands of Israeli Arabs attended Saturday a rally organized by the Islamic Movement at Haram Al-Sharif in Jerusalem. The event was run under the banner of Al-Aqsa in Danger.

Arab Muslim fears for the safety of the second mosque in holiness to all Moslems increased with Israeli security reports over possible attacks planned by extremist Jewish groups, including a plan to crush a small plane into the holy place during the crowded Friday prayer.

The Event organizers said around 30,000 people joined the rally; police estimated the gathering at 15,000.

From his cell, the head of the Islamic Movement Northern Faction, Sheikh Raed Salah, sent a statement that was read out by his deputies: ‘The missile that may destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque may destroy with it many other things.’

A Jewish settler was arrested at the end of the rally after attempting to enter the Temple Mount compound. Police said the man was unarmed.