The Israeli online daily Haaretz reported that the Palestinian Authority began collecting weapons in its controlled areas, which comes in accordance to the Sharm al-Sheikh understandings.

Haaretz stated that that Israeli military intelligence said that P.A security collected the weapon of 17 resistance fighters in Jericho, and is currently collecting weapons from resistance fighters in Tulkarem.

Head of the Israeli military intelligence Aaron Farkash confirmed the intelligence information over the last week, but the Israeli government postponed further withdrawals for the Palestinian areas after claming that the P.A ‘is not fighting the wanted factions’, according to Haaretz.

The initial agreement between Israel and the P.A announced in Sharm al-Sheikh, states that Israel should withdraw from five Palestinian areas and release Palestinian detainees in exchange to cease fire.

Also, Israel is supposed to hand the P.A a list of wanted activists in each of the evacuated areas in order to disarm them after the military withdrawal.

The P.A informed Israel that it intends to absorb the fighters into its security devices; Israeli did not object to this issue but apposed ‘laundering’ illegal weapons.

The P.A agreed to absorb the fighters without their weapons, in addition to making them sign pledges to halt all attacks against Israeli targets in the future; Israel demanded the P.A to provide it with the serial numbers of the weapons in exchange to removing the fighters from its wanted list.

“The agreement to release an additional 400 detainees is considered particularly important in the cease fire, Israel freed 500 detainees, and is expected to free additional 500 detainees in the next phase of the agreement”, Haaretz Correspondent, Ze’ev Schiff said.