Brazilian soccer star Ronaldo was warmly received in the West Bank on Monday during his good will visit to the Palestinian territories and Israel.

Ronaldo, the Real Madrid striker, the good will ambassador of the United Nations Development Program visited the West Bank city of Ramallah, and was welcomed by huge crowds chanting his name.

Dozens of youth wore Real Madrid shirts with Ronaldo’s No. 9.

Ronaldo visited Ramallah before heading to Israel in order to meet with hundreds of young athletes who are members of a join Israeli-Palestinian league.

Palestinian security men assigned by Mahmoud Abbas before leaving the country accompanied Ronaldo during his visit.


“I am happy to see this joy and optimism, I hope that the peace process will go on”, Ronaldo told more than 1.500 residents who gathered in a sports hall which was built to hold half of the number. 

Also, Ronaldo added that his visit is part of his campaign against poverty around the world, and expressed wishes to see a Palestinian soccer team representing the country.

Also, Ronaldo visited a U.N. youth center, and watched Palestinian children playing soccer, and met with local dignitaries, including Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qorei.

Ronaldo met with Qorei in his office and autographed soccer balls.

Qorei and Ronaldo headed to a youth center, where the superstar had another warm welcome.

Later on Monday, Ronaldo met 800 young Israeli athletes Herzliya in a program joining Israeli and Palestinian soccer player mixed on teams.

Ronaldo also paid a visit to the Church of Holy Sepulcher a key Christian holy site in the Old City of Jerusalem.