An attack by extreme-right Jews on Haram Al-Sharif (Temple Mount) would trigger a large-scale war between Israel and the Muslim world, former Shin Bet chief Carmi Gillon told Haaretz on Thursday.

Gillon was responding to readers’ questions at site.

The former head of the domestic security service also said that far-right militants now pose serious threats to mosques in Jerusalem. 

‘The consequences of such an act can be a disaster for the existence of the State of Israel and can bring a total war between the Muslim world, Israel and maybe against Jewish targets abroad,’ Gillon said.


Gillon also warned that another assassination of a prime minister would pose a strategic threat to Israeli society.

He expressed hopes that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is motivated to seek peace, despite the recent escalation in Gaza.

‘For the time being, he [Abbas] is not demonstrating the ability to act against the militants but we should give him time to gather his forces and to show his ability to rule the PA,’ Gillon said.

He also said that PA security forces possess both the knowledge and the means to enforce order, but ‘lack the motivation to act against violence.’