Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz leaned to settlers’ pressure and ordered a second review for the new route of the separation wall northwest of Jerusalem. Settlers have been pressing to push the wall eastwards.

Settlers of Modi’in block complained that the new plan pushes the wall close to their perimeter fence, which is an army-declared security zone in a 300-meter radius from the outermost home in each settlement.

The security establishment is currently examining alternatives to the original route, which includes all of Gush Etzion settlements west of the wall, but would create several Palestinian villages enclaves. The creation of these enclaves, which would leave the residents literally walled in, has been criticized by the Israeli High Court.

One alternative still includes most of Gush Etzion, but places several Palestinian villages outside of it. The second alternative proposes a route that runs along the Green Line in the area.