According to United Arab Emirates’ newspapers, Senior Hamas and Hizbullah leaders received official letters from the U.S administration and British government.

According to the Al-Bayan Saturday edition, the U.S. sent the both Islamic groups a letter, expressing respect for the organizations’ broad popular support.

The newspaper also reported the U.S. administration has invited the Islamic organizations’ leaders to a meeting with senior U.S. officials at a still-undecided location.

The newspaper report also quoted an American source as saying that the American Administration has even demonstrated their willingness to cooperate with the organizations, should they develop into political parties following the elections in Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority areas.
Yet, White House spokesman Scott McClellan denied both the earlier New York Times report and that of Al-Bayan. 

Also, the UAE based al-Khalij newspaper reported Saturday that Britain is re-examining its Middle East policy, and is leaning to agree to direct dialogue with Hamas and Hizbullah.

A British Foreign Ministry spokesman said Saturday that Britain’s current foreign policy is aimed at contact with Hamas field commanders “not connected to terror.”

However, the spokesman said his government’s ties to Hizbullah were severed years ago, as its military wing has been included in the list of terror organizations since 2001.

The British newspaper The Guardian reported that London is re-thinking its policies regarding the Middle East. The man behind the change is former intelligence officer Alistair Crook, who in the past had made contact with Hamas on behalf of the European Union.