A Palestinian security source in Gaza said Friday night that Military Apaches raided a factory used to produce car batteries, in Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza city.

The source added that the shelled building belongs to Saleh Al-Reyashi, and that the factory is located on the ground floor of a three story-building.

Meanwhile, a local source in Kahn Younis said that the Apaches shelled the factory completely destroying it and setting it on fire, in addition to destroying the home of Reem Al-Reyashi, who carried out a suicide bombing on Eretz Crossing, in Beit Hanoun.

Civil Defense cars and fire fighters rushed to the neighborhood after the shelling and managed to control the fire which broke out after the shelling in the factory and several surrounding homes.

No Injuries were reported.

It is worth mentioning that the shelling caused two injuries and several damages in some of the surrounding homes.

Soldiers claimed that the shelled building is used for manufacturing Qassam shells.

Army added that Hamas activists were using the workshop which, according the army officials is used to “supply Hamas activists with explosives and shells”.

The raid came only one hour after the Israeli Security Cabinet headed my the Israeli defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz, in order to decide way to retaliate to the shells which stuck Sderot settlement earlier Friday.

A military source said Friday evening that army is operating in Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahia in order to “eliminate any threat of Qassam shelling against Israeli settlements and military camps in the area”.

Mofaz after the meeting, ordered the army “to do whatever is needed in order to pursue the Palestinian factions and activists responsible for launching Qassam shells”.