The Israeli Knesset voted, on wednesday,  to establish a parliamentary committee to investigate cases of increase corruption in the government.

The inquiry came upon a call by National Union party member of Knesset, Arye Eldad, who asked for a probe of the affairs of the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon.

The proposal was approved by 11 to 10 votes, as most of Sharon coalition members did not attend the vote, especially Likud members who appose disengagement.

Eldad commented on an article on corruption published by the Israeli newspaper Maariv, said that “Sharon is corrupting the country”, and described him as “the most corrupt prime minister in the history of Israel”.

The article of Maariv highlighted the extent of corruption among the senior Israeli leaders, describing Israel as a country which is “sinking in the mud”.

The proposal must be discussed again before the Knesset plenum, before it forms the approved committee, which also could give the coalition of Sharon a chance to reject the move.