Sunday evening, the Israeli police reported that some 18 anti-disengagement protestors blocked traffic between Raanana and Mosrasha junction, known as the old Tel Aviv – Haifa road, and lay down on the road blocking traffic for about an hour.

The police was called to the area, removed the settlers from the streets, and arrested a bus driver who used his vehicle to transport the demonstrators.

According to the Israeli police, anti-disengagement demonstrators repeatedly blocked the main highways, in the center of the country.

The police said that the biggest protest and anti disengagement activity was when the settlers blocked at least 40 intersections and main roads two weeks ago.

A number of youth settlers, and anti pullout activists who were involved in blocking the roads, were arrested.

Maasiyahu Prison administration told the Ynet Israeli news website that it still holds a number of youths involved blocking the roads, but refuse to give police and prison officials their identities.