Palestinian sources stated that Israel is expected to handover security control over two Palestinian cities to the Palestinian Authority.Abdul Fattah Hamayel head of the committee of the deportees and wanted affairs committee said, Israel may hand Bethlehem and Qalqilia over to the PA especially after a "positive" meeting for the joint committee during which the PA proved it has fulfilled commitments in the two cities already handed over to the PA.

The Palestinian Authority said it had disarmed the claimed wanted Palestinians in Tulkarem and Jericho which were handed over to the PA following Sharm A-Sheikh summit in February.

This disarmament was a prerequisite for further handover of West Bank cities.
Despite the fact that PA disarmed the wanted over a month ago, Israel still did not carry out further handovers to the PA.

Hamayel said, "What has been achieved in this issue in Tulkarem and Jericho is an ideal model that should encourage Israel to hand over more cities in the West Bank."

The Palestinian Authority is currently trying to settle the issue of the claimed wanted activists in Bethlehem and Qalqilia in preparation for the near handover, Hamayel said, adding that there will be more meetings with the Israeli side on this file.