Chair of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society, Issa Qaraqi that the list of prisoners slated for release announced by Israelis government is unilateral and does not have any political dimension.

The list includes only 1 administrative detainee out of 1000, said Qaraqi, those 1000 are in jail without any charge or trial, he added.

"The list does not include any of the pre-Oslo prisoners, meaning those who were jailed before the signing of Oslo agreement between the PLO and Israel in 1993," he said, adding that there are 370 of them mostly old and ill.

Qaraqi also said that the list does not include prisoners who suffer serious illness. "There are around 950 ill prisoners, including Murad Abu Sakout who suffers lung cancer and in a very deteriorating health condition and Ahamad Al-Tamimi who suffers kidney failure," Qaraqi said.

The PPS chair also added that none of the 350 children in Israeli jails is on the list, and only one woman out of 124 female prisoners.

The Israeli trend in dealing with the prisoners release cases does not lead to a comprehensive solution to the problem. Besides, Israel arrests in one month, almost the same number of those released in several months.