Anti-Pullout right wing foes vandalized Monday military equipment worth, according to police estimations, tens of thousands of shekels.

The act took place in the parking lot of an army base at Kibbutz Raim near the Gaza Strip. A group of 15 activists arrived at the place, warned the guard on duty not to interfere and poured an oil-like substance on engineering equipment.

They also painted slogans saying “A Jew doesn’t expel a Jew,’ and ‘Sharon will not win.’ before leaving the site.

Another group of anti-pullout foes vandalized tractors used for expanding Kibbutz Zikim, near Ashkelon, where a new neighborhood is being erected to house Gush Katif evacuees.

They spray painted slogans, including one saying: “Sharon is a traitor,’ before fleeing the scene.

Anti-pullout foes seal glue into locks on gov’t offices

Anti-disengagement foes sealed glue into locks on around 150 government offices in a number of areas of Israel overnight.

According to Israel Radio, five young protesters were arrested with contact glue in their possession, after they allegedly sealed the locks on doors in the Education Ministry, the Securities Authority, and the Labor Court in Jerusalem.

Anti-pullout foes blocked Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway

Ten protesters were detained for questioning as some 250 right-wing foes tried Saturday night to block the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway in protest against the disengagement plan.

A large police force arrived at the scene and cleared the road.

A police source reported that the ten foes were detained as protesters continued to approach the road even after the arrival of the police force.