Palestinian sources reported that the Egyptian government has officially informed the Palestinian factions of delaying the inter-Palestinian dialogue which was scheduled for the beginning of the month, till the second half of July.

The same sources said the delay is due to the Palestinian faction’s criticism to the Egyptian initiative regarding the administration of Gaza strip after the possible unilateral Israeli pullout from the strip.

The delay actually pushed the meeting until after an expected visit by the chief of the Egyptian Intelligence, Omar Suleiman to Palestine to meet Palestinian Authority officials and the political factions.

The source said a delegation from the Israeli party Yahad, paid a visit to Cairo and met with Suleiman and a number of the Egyptian officials. Egyptian media reportedly said some of the delegation members said Egyptian Officials told them that Egypt will work to stop the Palestinian resistance from shelling the Israeli southern town of Sderot.

On the other hand, the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram reported that the Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei said the PA highly value the Egyptian efforts supporting the Palestinians.

‘Egypt will host the inter-Palestinian dialogue as soon as common denominators are reached through the current internal Palestinian talks.’ Qurei said in a stack after the Palestinian cabinet meeting.

On his side, the Palestinian President’s National Security Advisor Jibreel Al-Rajoub said, the PA received assurances confirming a U.S. support to establish a Palestinian State.

Al-Rajoub did not indicate whether these assurances of establishing the Palestinian State would be within the internationally recognized borders of 1967 or not.