Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades publicly executed an informer and collaborator with the Israeli Intelligence Service ‘Shabak’ from Tubas village near Jenin.

The brigades confirmed that Mohammad Abdul Raziq 45, confessed that he has been collaborating with the Israeli Shabak since 1989 and that he had raped his two daughters.

One of the Brigades gunmen spoke to the crowd who were asked to gather in the town of Qabatya near Jenin, to witness the execution, in the same place another collaborator, Mohammad Al-Abed was hanged in 1988.

He listed the crimes Abdul Raziq committed including informing the Shabak on the whereabouts of the resistance operatives.

Al-Aqsa brigades in Jenin said, Abdul Raziq was stabbed by the uncles of his daughters few days ago, when they knew that he raped them. He was checked into the hospital for treatment, his injuries were minor.

Before executed, Abdul Raziq confessed publicly to the crowd that he was recruited to work with the Shabak through another collaborator from Jaba’a. He was asked to get names of those who need to get a permit to enter Israel or to go to Jordan to help getting permits and help them. This is how it started and then got more involved.

Moreover, Abdul Raziq confessed of trying to recruit a relative of his who is an officer in Jordanian army asking him to provide information on the activity of the Palestinian factions in Jordan.

The Jordanian officer refused that and threatened him to inform the Jordanian Security Service about him which had Abdul Raziq to leave Jordan to avoid being arrested in Jordan.

Abdul Raziq’s next mission was to collect information about the Intifada operatives which later led to the arrest of some of them.

In his confessions, Abdul Raziq said the link between him and the Shabak suddenly disappeared after they threatened to kill him if he was uncovered by the Brigades.

The Aqsa brigades said Abdul Raziq was uncovered after he raped his 21 year old daughter who informed the Palestinian Security in Tubas. He was arrested for 18 months. However, he was released during the Israeli invasion in the ‘defensive shield’ operation in March – April 2002.

Later he raped his 16 year-old daughter which had her uncles to try to kill him with the knife.

By killing Abdul Raziq, the Aqsa brigades announced re-opening the file of the informers. They publicly announced that they give a 40 days truce period for the informers to turn themselves in either to the brigades or the Palestinian Authority to avoid being killed.

The brigades said they decided to open the informers file, because the PA is unable to chase them because Israel has destroyed its security devices