The Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics revealed that construction in settlements was significantly boosted this year arriving to 83%, ahead of the disengagement plan, while construction inside the Israeli borders dropped 6%.  

The Bureau reported that Israel has boosted the construction in 560 settlements in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip since the beginning of 2005.
“The construction of some 560 settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, began during the first quarter of 2005, marking an 83% increase in comparing to 2004”, the bureau reported.
“As Israel prepares to evacuate all 21 Gaza Strip settlements, and four settlements in the West Bank this summer, it started strengthening main settlement blocs in the West Bank, thus attempting to create new realities on the ground”, a report prepared by the Israeli central Bureau said.
The Sharp increase of construction of Israeli settlement on the occupied territories comes while construction inside Israel dropped 6& in comparing to last year, 6850 apartments were built in Israel during the first quarter of 2005.
According to data collected by the center, the sharpest drop of construction was recorded in the south, 25%, Haifa, 23.6%, and in the center of the country, 17%.
Meanwhile, in Jerusalem area the construction increased up to 113% during the first quarter of the year, after the Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon ordered a boost of construction in the city, and in large settlement blocs around it.
Also, the bureau reported that 74% of the construction was “privately initiated”, while 26% is part of government plans. ÂÂ