A senior Palestinian source reported on Tuesday that the Israeli army rearrested dozens of freed detainees, and placed them an Al-Maskobiyya, and Betah Tikva detentions.

The source stated that the arrested residents were freed after Israel and the P.A arrived to the Sharm al-Sheikh understandings in February 8, 2005.
The Israeli security reopened the files of the freed detainees, and detained dozens of them in order to prosecute them in military courts or transfer them to administrative detention without trial, the source added.
The Palestinian minister of interior, Nassr Yousef, said that the P.A discussed this issue with the Israel side, and demanded Israel to be committed to its obligations and the arrived agreements.
The P.A said that these arrests are considered a direct breech to the arrived agreements, and reveals lack of seriousness practiced by the Israeli side.ÂÂ