Israel is mobilizing to convince ‘relevant countries’ not to vote in favor of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling in the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Palestinian observer at the UN Nasser Al-Kidwa is expected to submit a draft resolution affirming the ICJ ruling.

The vote is expected to take place on Thursday.

ICJ ruled that the construction of the separation wall is a violation of international law, called for dismantling it and compensate Palestinians for damage caused.

Israel is focusing efforts at European countries, hoping to convince them not to vote in favor of any submitted Palestinian proposal.

Diplomatic sources in the UN believe that the European Union will abstain, because the 25 member countries won’t be able to formulate a common stance.

According to Israeli sources, the United States already promised Israel to block any resolution submitted to the UN Security Council.

To avoid isolation, the U.S. is expected to invest efforts to rally the support of other countries.

UN commentators believe that the EU position in both the General Assembly and the Security Council is the most crucial.