Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told his ministers in the Sunday’s cabinet meeting completely rejected the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) ruling on the West Bank separation wall, calling it immoral, one-sided, and a ‘slap in the face’ in what he described as ‘the global fight against terrorism.’

‘I want to make clear, the state of Israel absolutely rejects the ruling of the International Court of Justice in The Hague,’ Sharon said.

‘It is a one-sided and politically motivated ruling. The decision sends a destructive message to encourage the terror and denounces countries that are defending themselves against it.’ He added.

Sharon also affirmed that Israel will continue with the construction of the wall.

Sharon used the Tel-Aviv blast to blast the court decision, saying ‘the murderous act this morning is the first that occurred to the credit of the decision of the world court at the Hague.’

The international court of justice ruled Thursday that the west bank separation wall was illegal, work should halt, sections built should be dismantled, and Palestinians should be compensated.

The court decision referred to Israel as the occupying power, demanding states of the world to work in order to implement the court decisions.

A Palestinian official source reacted to Sharon’s comments by saying ‘by rejecting the court decision, Sharon is saying that nothing is sacred but mere power. He wants to act against international law and want all international bodies to stay silent’

‘To call the decision of the most respected international legal body ‘immoral’ is outrageous’ the source added.

When asked about the attack in Tel-Aviv, the source said that ‘while we stand against such attacks, it is only a water drop as compared to Israeli attacks against Palestinian civilians, which went non-stop even when resistance groups refrained from attacking Israel since March’

‘ Israel’s security can be secured with a wall built on the green line. The question here is why Israel insist on grabbing more West bank land and destroy the life of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians’ the source added.