In the west Bank settlement of Adam, from a far distance, one can see lit houses equipped with spot lights on the sides of well paved roads. For Palestinian “A beautiful road always leads to a settlement.” Most of the roads in Palestinian cities and towns are destroyed, only few have sidewalks and mostly not lit.

An Israeli TV channel (10) crew managed to enter few houses in Migron settlement and reported the following:

Most of the settlers of Migron settlement, 52 families, left for other place leaving behind few young ideologists with strong anti-Arab feelings and the dream of building Greater Israel that extends from Turkey to Sinai. For most of them, pushing Palestinians east of the Jordan River is considered as their life mission.

The houses are uninhabited, are they? The reporter asked. “Most of our neighbors left, my husband and I will move soon to inside the green line.” A woman, who refused to be identified replied. She added, “Our 17 years old son will stay in the house.”

When asked about why he is not leaving with his family, the teenager said that he believes in ‘Ideological Zionism’ and that this land was given to the Jews by God, adding that he will forcefully resist any move from the side of the government to evacuate settlements.

Channel 10 report shows that most of the settlers of Migron have left leaving behind few young ideologists scattered among the empty houses. Nightly teenagers’ parties are replacing family life in Migron,

“Let us see your room”, the reporter requested. The room revealed a troubled personality of the left behind kid. All the walls of the room are painted in red and covered with pornography.

Looking through the windows, one could see Palestinian villages and Israeli soldiers stationed at military check posts. Soldiers are left with the duty of protecting the few ‘leftover teenagers’ and their red nights inside their red rooms. Consequently, thousands of villagers are forced to stay inside their village and are regularly denied access to their fields.

An armored bus escorted by a military jeep and followed by an APC takes those teenagers to Adam settlement in a military like operation. As they arrive at Tapuah settlement junction, near the Palestinian city of Salfit, another group of teenage boys and girls, also escorted by a military jeep, joins the dancing nightly party. When the party ends, soldiers accompany each of them back to their empty homes.

Those teenagers are the same ones you see chanting, “Death to the Arabs’ and ‘Yes to settlements” in organized right wing rallies and protests. They were in Rabin’s Square in Tel Aviv among the 120,000 who protested against Sharon’s decision to evacuate few ‘Illegal Settlements’. They were among the ones who publicly praised Igal Amir, the assassin of ex-prime minister Isaac Rabin. To spot them, you need to search for Ministers Iffe Etam and MK Uzi Landau.

Hundreds of Palestinian cars, trucks, and ambulances lined up on the main road at Adam settlement’s checkpoint. As the officer ordered all vehicles back, declaring the area as a closed military zone, the “Armored Bus” with the teenagers wearing their walkman headphones approached the checkpoint and moved through non-stop back to their red rooms.

The Israeli channel (10) reporters asked one of the soldiers, “Did you find out why Palestinians hate us?”

Channel 10 report concludes that settlers prefer to live in settlements for economical reasons not for ideological ones. It is an opportunity to have a big house for less money. Yet a new generation is born and raised inside settlements.

The settler women told the reporter, ‘I came here to get a big house, but I will leave, because I am not ready to die for this house’. Her teenager son said “I am willing to die to defend this house because this is the best place in the world”.

Certainly, this is the best place for teenagers; they get free guns, food, sex and drugs. A police report showed that some settlements lately became a refuge for criminals.