An Israeli source reported that representatives of Nisanit settlement, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, arrived to an agreement of relocation with the Sela Disengagement Authority.

The agreement was described by settlers’ representatives as “good and interesting”.

Yonatan Bassi, Disengagement Administration chief, met on Friday in Ashkelon with representatives of the settlement and lawyers representing most of them.

The meeting was held in the office of Roni Mahtzri, Ahkelon mayor.

Bassi proposed that every settler family that evacuates from Nisanit will receive half a Dunam of land in Shaked compound, north of Ashkelon.

200 settler families in Nisanit expressed intentions and readiness to move to the Shaked compound, Bassi said.

Meanwhile, Mahtzri said that the ‘Shaked’ is located in an area which is 800 and 900 meters away from the coastline, and that the Ashkelon municipality will provide the new families with all services, including education, in order to absorb them into the community.

Yossi Dayan, Nisanit representative said that proposal “sounds good”, and that he will seek the approval of the settlers in the coming days.

Settlers’ decision is expected to be announced to the Disengagement Authority on Monday.