Israeli troops shot dead an Islamic Jihad member Saturday afternoon and wounded another after the two tried to infiltrate Kfar Darom settlement in the southern Gaza Strip.

The two clashed with the troops positioned at one of the posts at the settlement; however no injuries among the soldiers were reported.

Palestinian sources defined the dead man as 23-year-old Anwar Atawi while the other was not named, but said he is a Fatah activist.

According to Palestinian sources, four resistance men belonging to the al-Aqsa Brigades and Islamic Jihad opened fire at the post in Kfar Darom.  Troops returned fire killing one, and injuring another, and the three managed to flee the scene.

This shooting comes while the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is currently in the region for meetings with Palestinian and Israeli officials in bid to increase coordination for the intended Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip and four isolated northern West Bank settlements.