Wednesday afternoon, Israeli soldiers leveled seven homes near al-Jiftlik area, in the central plain, north of the West Bank.

A local source in Tubas reported that soldiers, supported by armored vehicles and military bulldozers, invaded the area and leveled eight homes after forcing the residents out.

The leveled homes belong to Sa’oud Ali Ka’abnah, Ali Ahmad Bani-Odeh, Awad Masoud Bdeirat, Jom’a Hassan Sbeitan, Nayef Ibrahim Jahalin, Ameed al-Marsy, and Suleiman Jahaleen.

Fathi Kdeirat, coordinator of the Palestine Monitor institution, which monitors the Israeli violations in the occupied territories, said that the leveling of the homes is considered a direct violation to the international law, and appealed the international community to inflict pressure on the Israeli government to halt its continuous violations and collective punishment policies.

The situation in al-Jiftlik area has sharply deteriorated after the Israeli authorities expanded settlements in the area by annexing orchards which belongs to the residents, leaving them without their main source of livelihood.