Israeli military handed Friday residents of Sabastia, a village north of the West Bank city of Nablus, military orders informing them that the army intends to lay hand on 2012 Dunams of farmlands, near the village.

A local source in the village reported that soldiers handed several villages military orders of land grab in Sartasa area, near Bazaria, Moras al-Abour area, and Moras Al-Hababeer area, which are adjacent to the village and several surrounding villages.

The lands are located close to Shave Shamron settlement, which was constructed on lands annexed from the residents.

The owners of the lands were ordered to head to their orchards on Sunday 26/6/2005, at 10am, to be officially informed of the annexation orders.

It is worth mentioning that soldiers annexed 1948 Dunams which belong to residents of Borqa, near Nablus, and constructed Homesh settlement.