It became more evident today that Abu Mazin is facing more serious opposition on the Palestinian side than he anticipated. The waves of reservations, opposition, and criticisms to his speech at Aqaba Summit are escalating. The leaflet that triggered the opposition avalanche was that of the Palestinian prisoners from inside Israeli jails and detention camps. In a protest against Abu Mazin’s “claimed” failure to adequately address the issue of the 8000 Palestinian prisoners, the leaflet called upon Palestinian resistance groups to freeze their talks with Abu Mazin’s government regarding the suggested truce with Israel.

In a dramatic move, HAMAS announced suspending the truce talks with the Palestinian PM Abu Mazen. Dr. Abdel-Aziz Al-Rantisi told Reuters “the dialogue has come ot a stand still” He claimed that Abu Mazin made unacceptable commitments and called for an end to the Palestinian armed struggle.

HAMAS founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin said “HAMAS was ending dialogue since Abu Mazin ignored key issues like the right of return of Palestinian refugees and the future of Jerusalem. “This is our choice and we have no alternative, the armed resistance will continue” Yassin made a special reference to the morning assassination of two allegedly HAMAS activists Tulkarim.

Prior to HAMAS declaration, Alaqsa martyrs brigades conditioned its acceptance of a truce with lifting the siege of president Arafat and the release of the prisoners. Both the Popular Front and the Democratic Front criticized Aqaba summit and expressed determination to continue the resistance.

The truce agreement which appeared to be tangible in few weeks is shadowed with doubts at the moment.