Israeli soldiers arrested on Monday one resident in al-Qasaba neighborhood in the old city of Hebron, after he attempted to convince the soldiers release a 17-year-old girl.

A Palestinian security source in Hebron reported that soldiers arrested Murad al-Batsh, after he interfered to release Nour Zahda, 17, when the soldiers detained her for two hours.

An eyewitness in the area told the WAFA news agency that soldiers severely attacked and punched al-Batsh before arresting him.

Soldiers broke into homes in the old city and conducted military searches, damage reported.

Also, soldiers placed sand hills at the entrance of al-Fawwar refugee camp in Hebron, detained and interrogated 25 residents for several hours; most of the detained residents are school and university students.

Also, soldiers attacked the residents and clubbed them to several parts of their bodies, including the head and private parts.

In a separate incident, soldiers closed the entrance of Yatta village, near Hebron, and conducted military searches of homes and caves in the area, especially east of Yatta in al-Burka area.

Soldiers searched the surrounding hills and fields; no arrests were reported.