Right-wing activists opposed to Israel’s disengagement from the Gaza Strip planted a fake bomb in a
Jerusalem bus Monday evening. Israeli officials described the planting as a terrorist action.

‘This is neither a protest nor a demonstration. This is an act of terror, Jewish terror. Jewish terrorism aimed against Jews,’ said Interior Minister Ophir Pines-Paz of the Labor Party.
Police evacuated the central bus station in
Jerusalem after finding a gas canister on a bus, attached to a note reading ‘The disengagement will explode in our faces.’ Police later discovered that it was a dummy bomb, consisting of a clock and electrical wires attached to a 12-kilogram gas canister.
‘It is true the bomb did not explode, but it caused exactly the same hysteria, the same panic, the same pinning down of police forces and Shin Bet forces and the same suffering to the population as any other terror attack. Thank God there were no people killed or wounded, but there was much emotional suffering,’ Pines-Paz said.
‘I think the moment the right wing opponents of the disengagement make use of tools of this nature, we need to understand that they have … no red lines,’ added Pines-Paz. ‘I am not certain we have seen the end of such activities.’.
Police are now investigating how the perpetrators managed to get the package through the bus station’s security system, in which packages are routinely X-rayed and riders must pass through a metal detector.
Since the beginning of March, right-wing extremists have planted six dummy bombs, two in a Tel Aviv train station and four in
Jerusalem . The other fake bombs were also accompanied by notes reading ‘The disengagement will explode in our faces.’