Palestinian sources reported that Sa’id Syam, a prominent leader of the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas was assassinated in Khan Younis on Sunday morning.

The source said, that Syam was shot by an Israeli sniper from a nearby settlement of Gush Katif bloc.

Medical sources said Syam was died as he received a fatal bullet from at least 1000 meter distance.

Dr. Moawiya Hassanen, head of the Emergency Unit at the Ministry of Health, reported that 30-year-old Syam, instantly died of a gunshot injury in his neck in al-Amal neighborhood in Khan Younis.

A local source in the neighborhood reported that soldiers based at military camps in Naveh Dikalim settlement fired rounds of live ammunition at dozens of homes in the area, causing some damage to the houses there.

Over the last days, Israeli soldiers increased their attacks against their Palestinian areas, especially neighborhoods and cities adjacent to military camps and settlements.

Israeli air force gun ships killed seven Hamas activists in Gaza Strip and the West Bank in the past few days, in targeted extrajudicial killings.

Israel’s resumption of the assassination policy could thwart all efforts attempting to get back to the political track again.