Israeli Health Minister and Likud MK, Dan Naveh, submitted a proposal to the Knesset to construct a new “Jewish neighbourhood” in the area between the Maali Adumim settlement and east Jerusalem.

This proposal comes after the Israeli government approved the construction of 3,500 homes for settlers in the same area.

Israeli officials toned down their statements regarding settlement construction after the American administration said that it rejects the new plan which intends to link Maali Adumim settlement with east Jerusalem, since it conflicts with the Road Map plan.

The Israeli project completely blocks any geographical contiguity between the northern and southern West Bank areas, and isolates east of Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank. 

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Wednesday evening that the Israeli government took a decision which will bar “the Palestinians from surrounding Jerusalem”.

The paper considered this to be essential, especially while “Israel is evacuating settlements in the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank areas”.