Israeli soldiers on Thursday afternoon invaded Aida refugee camp, near the West Bank city of Bethlehem, and arrested one member of the Palestinian security forces. Another security man was arrested at a checkpoint near Jerusalem.

The Palestinian Ministry of Interior reported that soldiers arrested Ala’ Ahmad abu Sh’era, member of the Palestinian security forces in Bethlehem, in the Aida camp and took him to an unknown destination.

Soldiers conducted house-to-house searches in the camp and interrogated dozens of residents, especially youth.

In a separate incident, troops based at al-Container checkpoint, on Wad al-Nar Road, the only link between southern and northern West Bank areas, arrested Ayman Radi Ibrahim, a member of the Palestinian Authority security forces in Bethlehem.

Ibrahim was heading back to his home in the northern West Bank city of Jenin.

The container checkpoint, located between al-Sawahreh and Bethlehem near Jerusalem, has became a border-crossing in all senses of the term, dividing the West Bank into northern and a southern cantons.