Sheikh Raed Salah, head of the Islamic Movement in Israel said that the terrorist attack carried out by an Israel soldier on Thursday is a natural result of the Israeli incitement against the Arab residents of Israel and the Palestinians in the occupied territories.

Two young women, an elderly man, and the bus driver were victims of the attack, which took place as the Route 165 bus drove inside the Druze town of Shfa-Amr.

The victims of the attack, which was carried out by a soldier-settler from Tapoah settlement, slated for evacuation, were identified as two sisters, Hazar 23, and Deena Torkey, 21, Nader Hayek, 55, and Michael Bahhouth, 56 years old, at least ten residents were injured.

The assailant, Eden Natan-Zada, 19, recently became religious, and was an army deserter who recently moved from Rishon Letzion to the West Bank settlement of Tapuah.

The Islamic Movement in Israel held the Israeli government directly responsible for the attack.

“This is not an isolated incident, it is the outcome of the Israeli discriminatory policy against the Arab residents of Israel”, Sheikh Salah said after visiting the location of the attack, “Israel officially incites against the Arabs in the country, senior officials repeated stated that we are considered demographic danger, and described as caner cells which should be removed”. 

Sheikh Salah added that the Arab residents are in real danger while Israel is not providing them with the need protection especially amidst the escalating violence and serious threats voiced by the settlers.

“Last year the settlers said that they will carry a terrorist attack against al-Aqsa mosque, and other mosques in Israel”, he said, “This attack could be one or a series of planned terrorism against us”.