Lawyer of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Sana’ Harbawi, reported that she visited several detainees in Asqalan detention center on Wednesday, who informed her of the bad living conditions and treatment they face on daily basis.

“They are facing very harsh living conditions, medical neglect”, Harbawi said, “Yet, the conditions are getting worse”.

Harbawi met with detainees Othman Musleh, abdul-Hakeem Hanani, Nael Barghourhi, Omar Barghouthi, Salama Rawashda, Eyad Hana and Falah Nada.

Detainee Salama Rawashda, 30, was blinded during torture as a result of repeated strikes and punches he was subjected to during interrogation in Asqalan detention facility.

The administration is rejecting to provider Rawashda with the needed medical care and attention.

The detainees also told Harbawi that the food provided to them is of a very bad quality and even not valid for human use in some cases.

The rooms are small and over crowded, while the detainees aren’t provided with enough covers or mistresses, several detainees have to sleep on the ground.

Detainee Kheir Barghouthi, one of the underage detainees at al-Ramla detention facility, was admitted to al-Ramla detention hospital suffering from respiratory problems. Barghouthi was shot injured in his abdomen and leg during his arrest.

Barghouthi was admitted to surgery two times after suffering internal bleeding and other complications.

“He needs platinum implant in his left leg”, lawyer Harbawi said, “They took flesh from his right leg to implant it in his wounded leg, and now he needs two medical operations”

Yet the detainees are not provided with the needed medication, and are subjected to collective punishment policies in addition to being fined without any proper explanation.

The Prisoners Supporters Society warned that the conditions in Israeli detention facilities, and the torture and humiliation they face

The society reported that several detainees are barred from their visitation rights, while those who are allowed cannot have direct body contact with their families.

The visitations are conducted behind glass barriers, and the phones used for voice communication are of a bad quality.