A local source in Qalqilia reported on Sunday evening that an extremist settler fired at Tasheen Sharif Shqero, 43, while he was at his hothouse, south of the city, close to the bypass road which leads to Alfeh Menasha settlement.

Shqero was injured in his right shoulder, and was transferred to an Israeli hospital in Kfar Saba.

Yousef Shqero, the brother of Tasheen said that the settlers also burned the hothouse of his brother after attacking it.

A worker at the hothouse managed to control the fire later on; damage and losses were reported.

In a separate incident, soldiers installed several roadblocks near Qalqilia and several surrounding villages, especially on Nablus-Qalqilia road.

An Israeli army source said that the roadblocks were installed to prevent the settlers from entering the Palestinian areas.

Meanwhile, in the northern West Bank city of Jenin, settlers clashed, on Sunday evening, with Israeli soldiers and attacked dozens of Palestinian homes as the army was preparing for the evacuation of Sa-Nur and Homesh settlements which are slated for evacuation on Monday.

A local source in Jenin reported that dozens of settlers managed to break through military checkpoints after fist-fighting with the soldiers, and punctured the tires of several military jeeps.

Also, the settlers attacked a number of Palestinian homes in the areas and chanted slogans calling for expelling the Arabs; dozens of residents had to escape from there homes after the armed settlers attacked them. 

Dozens of settlers also attacked a fuel station in the area for the second time in recent days, damage was reported.

The settlers embezzled some of the stations’ property and moved it into the settlement of Homesh, which is slated for evacuation.