Palestinian security forces started deploying in six locations at the entrances of the West Bank city of Jenin, which is a step carried out by the P.A to follow up the Israeli evacuation of four settlement Blocs in the area.

P.A security men were seen wearing their military uniforms and carrying Palestinian flags and deployed in six military camps which were prepared with the needed equipment.

General Thiab Al Ali, head of Jenin area, said that the security forces were deployed in order to maintain law and order as Israel prepares to evacuate the four settlements.

Also, General Abu Al Fateh, who heads the coordination committee in Jenin area, said that the redeployment of the P.A forces was conducted after coordinating the move with the Israeli military officials.

“Our forces are deploying in Be’er Al-Jimal, at the southern entrance of Jenin, Kharrouba Bridge in the north, Al Sa’ada area on Jenin- Haifa road west of Jenin, and the areas of Al Sweitat and Al Almaniyya, east of Jenin”, Abu Al Fateh said.

Abu Fateh added that the forces will control these areas and that they are ready to control and maintain law and order in any evacuated area.


So far, no agreement was reached on deploying P.A forces in the southern area of Jenin after the Israeli army completely evacuates Homesh and Sa-Nur settlements.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority strongly condemned Israel’s continual obvious disregard to the international law, and slammed the Israeli decision to place the evacuated settlers from Netzarim settlement in Gaza in Ariel settlement, north of the West Bank.  

Dr. Sa’eb Erekat said that the Israeli government promised the US administration it will not place any evacuated Gaza settlers into settlements in the West Bank.

‘We really consider this decision as very dangerous’, Erekat said.

Also, Dr. Erekat added that the US envoy, Deputy Secretary of State David Welsh, said that ‘The US administration asserted that the Gaza Strip will not be the lat area which Israel evacuates from”.