An female Israeli soldier was stabbed by a female settler while trying to evacuate the remainder of settlers and protestors in the settlement of Sa-Nur in the northern West Bank, Israeli sources reported.

Against expectations by Israeli officials, the settlers and protestors used violence against the Israeli evacuation forces.  Police arrested another right-wing settler who tried to stab a soldier in Homesh, the other settlement being evacuated.

Evacuation of these two settlements is expected to end by the evening.

Citadel, Synagogue evacuated

The Israeli army and police stormed the synagogue and the British citadel in which pullout protestors barricaded themselves, in the northern West Bank settlement of Sa-Nur on Tuesday.

Troops and police officers removed the protestors from the two strongholds, police officers said.

Israeli Police Commissioner Moshe Karadi warned that there are some 1,000 protesters holed up in the settlement, most of them hiding in deserted houses.

Some of the settlers, mostly from Yitzahar settlement, are still barricaded on the barbed wire-adorned roof of the citadel.

In addition to National Union religious party leader Eryeh Eldad, Yesha Council official Pinchas Wallerstein and Rabbi Lior Dov are among the protestors on the fortified roof.

Evacuations begin in Sa-Nur and Homesh settlements

Following the evacuation of the last settlers from the Gaza Strip, on Tuesday morning Israeli forces began to evacuate two of the four northern West Bank settlements slated for evacuation under the disengagement plan.

Thousands of Israeli security forces broke down gates and flooded Sa-Nur and Homesh settlements, now home to only a few remaining settlers. Roughly 2,000 rightwing disengagement foes from settlements in the West Bank known for their extremism have moved into Sa-Nur and Homesh with an ‘arsenal of weapons’ determined to foil the evacuation process.

At least 15,000 police officers and soldiers, some in anti-riot gear, have entered the two settlements, the last to be evacuated.

Little resistance and no violence was expected, despite the large number of protestors.  The protestors plan not to provide any excuse for the army and police to use violence.

Israeli Member of Knesset, Aryeh Eldad from the National Union Party, a religious right-wing party, is also among the protestors.   Despite confirmations about the presence of weapons in the settlementby military officials, MK Eldad who is barricaded in the Sa-Nur citadel, denied on Tuesday morning that there are any weapons remaining in Sa-Nur.

‘We don’t want to give police and army troops any excuses to use violence,’ he said.

Security forces mainly faced youth throwing garbage and bottles and shouting slogans against the evacuation.  No injuries were reported.