Two Palestinian residents were injured on Thursday afternoon, during a protest against the separation Wall in Al Ramadeen village, south of the West Bank city of Hebron.

A local source in the village reported that soldiers intensively deployed in the Palestinian farmlands, west of the village, and attacked the residents who were peacefully protesting against annexing their orchards in order to construct the Separation Wall.

Soldiers fired concussion grenades, gas bombs and rounds of live ammunition at the residents, before attacking and using their batons against the protestors.

Several residents fist fought with the soldiers after attacking the protest and using excessive force to disperse a peaceful procession. 

Two residents, identified as Ghalib Al Za’arnah, 28, head of the Popular Committee Against the Wall in Al Ramadeen, and Radhi Al Za’arnah, 28, sustained several bruises and fractions after the soldiers attacked and clubbed them.

Dozens of residents and International peace activists participated at the protest, and carried Palestinian flags, while chanting slogans against the Wall and the land annexation policies used by Israel.

The protestors managed to stop the bulldozers and the workers until the soldiers surrounded the area declaring it as a closed military zone, and forced the residents and the international activists out.