Defense minister says Israel will not accept any terror from Gaza; IDF completes withdrawal from Strip Monday morning, Israeli flag raised on eastern side of Kissufim checkpoint. Army official hails opportunity for peace but says IDF ready for any challenge.

Mofaz arrived at the Karni crossing in what was described by the Israeli media as a “bid farewell to the Strip”, and threatened that Israel will not be willing to accept and kind of attacks against Israeli targets following the withdrawal.

The statements of Mofaz came during a meeting with Israeli military officers in Nahaz Oz military base, south of the country after a homemade shell was fired at the Israeli Negev town of Sderot, no injuries.

Also, Mofaz said that the Palestinians know that Israel with start reacting “differently” to the firing of homemade shells and other military operations, without specifying the “new policy” in dealing which such events. 

Mofaz described the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip as “an important step” and as a “historic moment for the Israelis and Palestinians in order to create a better future”, according to Mofaz. 

Earlier on Monday morning, Israeli soldiers completed the evacuation from the Gaza Strip, after withdrawing from the Gush Katif Bloc through the Kissufim crossing, and from the Philadilphi Route, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, through the Karem Shalom roadblock.