Mahmoud Zahhar, one of Hamas political leaders, called on the Palestinian Authority to coordinate with Egypt in order to open the Palestinian-Egyptian borders without allowing any Israel presence there.

Zahhar stated in a press conference in Rafah that the Palestinians should be allowed to move freely between the two sides of Rafah, “The movement will support any agreed step which achieves this aim”.


Also, Zahhar said that the cement walls dividing the two sides of Rafah are artificial borders placed by the occupation.

“There is no reason to keep the wall between us and Egypt, the Egyptian security is our security too”, Zahhar stated, “The Palestinian Authority and Egypt should coordinate and remove it as soon as possible; every resident should be able to return to his land”. 

Commenting on issues regarding the ownership of the liberated lands, Zahhar said that any resident who has a document which proves his ownership should have his land back. 

“There are lands which belong to the state, they should be used in projects which serve the economy, these lands should not be given to individuals or factions”, Zahhar added, “Schools, factories, hospitals and recreation facilities for the residents should be constructed there”.

“We will not allow Israeli companies to invest there, and rebuilding the area is our top priority”. 

Commenting on the statements of Sharon regarding closing the Palestinian areas during the legislative elections if Hamas participates, Zahhar said that “if he [Sharon] disrupts our elections, we will disrupt the live of the settlers everywhere in the occupied territories”.

Zahhar also said that the Israeli claim that members of Al Qaeda network entered the Gaza Strip through Egypt “is an exposed false claim which aims to achieve support from the West and the United States”.