In spite of repeated reports which were published by the Israeli military intelligence, that Palestinian resistance groups managed to smuggle long-range Katyusha rockets and shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, Israeli military intelligence reported that such weapons were not smuggles into Gaza.

Israeli security officials, and heads of the Israeli Military Intelligence Division, said on Wednesday that hundreds of rifles and large quantities of ammunition were smuggled into the Gaza Strip after the Israeli military withdrawal, but no long-range weapons were obtained.

Withdrawal opponents in Israel repeatedly warned that Katusha rockets were smuggled into Gaza, which enables the Palestinians strike Ashkelon and Tel Aviv suburbs, and that Strela anti-aircraft missiles could target civilian airlines.   

General Yossi Kupervasser, Military Intelligence Research Division Commander, told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Wednesday, that fears regarding long-range arms are baseless.

“Palestinian groups were not able to obtain such kinds of weapons”, he said.

After the Israeli army withdrew from the Gaza Strip, hundreds of Palestinian residents crossed the borders into the Egyptian territories, and met with their families trapped ion the Egyptian side of Rafah.

Israel claimed that resistance factions managed to smuggles 1000-2000 rifles and other sorts of weapons.

Israeli Defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz, said that the Palestinian Authority started to impose law and order on the borders, and added that Israel is holding talks with the Palestinian Authority and Egypt regarding security cooperation.