Zakariyya Zobeidi, leader of Al Aqsa Martyres Brigades, said that the evacuation of the settlements in the Gaza Strip and four settlements in the West Bank is an outcome of the resistance and sacrifices.

Hundreds of residents and fighters of Al Aqsa and Al Quds Brigades, entered the evacuated settlements of Ghanim and Qadim on Thursday at night after the army withdrew from the area.

Zobeidi, 27, vowed that the brigades will continue their attacks against the Israel army in the occupied West Bank “until liberation and establishing the Palestinian Independent State, and until achieving the Right of Return of the Palestinian refugees”.

“This withdrawal was achieved by sacrifices, and steadfastness”, Zobeidi said, “We will continue our resistance until the last settler and soldier leaves our land”.

Sameera, the mother of Zobeidi was killed by the Israeli army during Al Aqsa Intifada, in addition to his brother Taha, leader of Al Quds brigades, and his cousin Ziad, who were also killed by the army.

Two of Zobeidi’s brothers and several cousins are imprisoned in Israeli detention facilities. 

Eyad Abu Al Rob, leader of Al Quds brigades, said that resistance achieved the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, and four settlements in the West Bank.

“We will continue our resistance until liberating Palestine”, Abu Al Rob said, “Our resistance and steadfastness achieved liberation in Gaza and Jenin, and God willing, soon Jerusalem will be freed”.

Abu Al Rob escaped two assassination attempts over the last two years; the Israeli army leveled his home and holds him responsible of carrying dozens of attacks against the army and settlers.

“Our happiness we not be complete without liberated the detainees” Abu Al Rob said, “We call on our people to unite, and support the resistance in order to fight the occupation until liberation and independence”.

Hundreds of residents and fighters held Folk-Dance celebrations in the evacuated settlers, and fired in the air, while chanting slogans which praises the resistance and revolution.